splicekit.com offers the most complete assortment of heat shrink splice kits available. In addition, we stock bulk heat shrink tubing, electrical connectors, cable ties and electrical tape. Visit our online store for complete product descriptions.
Rely on splicekit.com for quick delivery of splice kits for the ground water professional. Choose from a full line of standard as well as special application and step down splice kits.
Items are shipped UPS Ground with no freight charges on orders over $300. Goods can be conveniently delivered to your job site or place of business. Air Shipment is available upon request.
All Splice Kits Are Not Alike:
SpliceKit.com sells only premium quality Advance E&I, Inc. heat shrink kits
Standard clear kits for #12, #8, #6, and #4 wire sizes
Only high quality American made components are used
Shrink tubing for small wire size kits is .450" diameter with a high shrink ratio. Fully recovered, the tubing shrinks tightly over Franklin Electric XLPE lead wire.
Guaranteed to shrink without splitting
Standard kits include shrink tube provided for all wires including ground wire
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P: 866-766-2730